Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy New Year

Well, 2006 is here and I certainly hope it is better than 2005. In 2005, I lost my father to pancreatic cancer and DH's father had colon surgery. Hopefully they will be able to reverse his colostomy this year. On a positive note, in 2005, my great-nephew was born and my sister celebrated her first anniversary.

Stitchingwise, I did not get all I wanted to get done in 2005. I am still working on the Disney Filmstrip, but I am closer to finishing it. For Christmas, I received a HAED chart and then I purchased 4 additional HAED charts at the Inventory Reduction Sale. Wanted more, but DH would have had apoplexy. My gift was Cabin in the Woods and my purchases were Two Crowns, Santa Claus at the North Pole, St. Nick in his Study and Merlin and Arthur. I think I will be busy with all those for a few years!!

My goals for 2006 - scary to put in writing - are as follows:

1. Move to Tennessee (get job there!)
2. Finish Disney Filmstrip (to framer by 6/1/06)
3. Create a stitching rotation with WIPs and HAEDs
4. Keep my husband happy
5. Keep my CLA certification

Hmmmmm, seems doable for now.


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