Saturday, November 12, 2005

This Week's SBQ

This week’s SBQ was suggested by Dawn and is:

When comparing large projects versus small projects, which do you get more excited about finishing?

Interesting question for me because I have done only one small project in my 25 years of stitching. I just seem to gravitate to the larger projects and I almost always give them away. I don't know that I get extremely excited when I am finished, but I have a deep feeling of awe when I see the piece in someone's home. A little voice inside me says - wow, I did that.

The "small" one was my first project. It is a man standing in a boat with a rainbow trout jumping out of the water. I did it when I was 17 for my Dad. Of course at the time I did not think it was small but now that I look at it hanging in my home (my Dad passed away May 2005), it looks really small. I can still recall the pride I felt when I finished it.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

What Will Today Bring?

Well, yesterday was a wash as far as stitching went. I got home and had to deal with a hyper puppy (Tiffany) because she was temporarily banished from my office by the boss' witchy wife. Then as my DH and I were sitting down to dinner, our best friend's wife came stomping in and announced that she was spending the night with us as she and her hubby had a huge fight because she spent $120 on a toothbrush!!! Once we had sorted through her ranting, we decided to work on our computers as DH needed me to set up a spreadsheet for him. When that was done, I set up this blog site and, guess what, it was time for bed!!

Tonight may not be a total wash, but I will not get much done on the Disney Filmstrip as I would like. The friend who spent the night last night wants me to teach her how to cross stitch and, of course she could not pick a simple project to begin. She has picked a Disney Princess project that she would like to finish by Christmas for her daughter. This should really be fun!

With regard to my stitching - I am currently working on one project - Disney Filmstrip - which is a gift that must be finished and to the framer's by the end of May 2006. The really sad part is that I have been working on this piece for over a year and really don't like it much. However, I have committed to stitching 100 stitches per day and have set up a spreadsheet to monitor my progress. I only count a row complete when it is fully stitched - if there is one stitch not done, the row is not done. I currently have 50 out of 190 rows done so I am feeling better about my efforts.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

First Posting

Wow! I am amazed at how easy this was to set up. I guess the trick will be seeing if I can maintain this journal. A little about me - I am a 42 year old paralegal working in Boca Raton and living in Margate (North Broward County). My husband and I have been married for 18 years and have no children. We do have two spoiled rotten pets - Yoda (cat) and Tiffany (dog).

I have started this blog as one of many ways to keep myself focused on my cross stitch projects which seem to fall by the wayside if I am not pushed, prodded, shamed into keeping them going. I have been reading a lot of other blogs and am interested in communicating through blogging and bulletin boards.

As soon as I figure out how, I will be posting work in progress pictures.